Jamersan’s CEO TJ Gamble hosted a live stream with special guest Miguel Balparda, senior developer at Nexcess. They discussed Magento’s Community Engineering, the recent closing of two Magento locations, benefits of live events and Magento community days. Here is a…
Magento 2 out-of-the-box comes with over 60,000 files/folders. If you are updating a page on the frontend, sometimes the location of the template file you are editing is obvious; other times it can be elusive. In following, I will share…
Jamersan’s CEO TJ Gamble hosted a live stream with special guest Joseph Maxwell director from Swiftotter. They discussed the addition of major features in minor Magento updates and the Community Insider Program. Here is a highlight of the live stream…
This article will explain how to manually set a customer’s password in the database, which will probably be helpful at times if you are developing an M2 site locally. The customer_entity table contains a field called password_hash and this is…
Every 90 days Magento 2 will ask you to reset your admin password, which can be a nuisance when working on your local environment. The picture below shows where Magento checks to see if your password has expired. The admin_passwords…