Jamersan | Magento and BigCommerce Elite Partner Agency

Oro – the Web 3.0 Business Application Platform that Means “Gold”

We recently learned about a new wave of technology, brought to us by old friends – OroPlatform by Oro, Inc. Oro’s dream team lineup includes the original team who brought us Magento…Yoav Kutner as CEO, Dima Soroka as CTO, Jary Carter as Chief Revenue Officer, and Roy Rubin as Advisor.

OroPlatform’s architecture is based on ready-to-use mini-applications, or bundles, which can talk natively via php to other bundles written on OroPlatform. This means the end of giant, overblown business applications. As we have seen with open source ecommerce development, there will be an overall shift to rapid application development focused on a community of interconnected bundles – each of which you can use, re-use, extend, or disregard – the choice is yours.

Web 3.0 functionality like workflow and access control lists are built into OroPlatform’s out-of-the-box bundles. OroPlatform will integrate with your current user management system via an LDAP bundle, and will let you secure it all with a Security Bundle.

OroPlatform started because Yoav and the team saw a need for an open source CRM. While they were constructing OroCRM, the Oro team decided at the same time to build a standard set of tools so they could keep building interconnected business applications. Thus OroPlatform, the world’s first and only open source Business Application Platform, or BAP, was born.

While the OroPlatform BAP is new to us, it started in 2012, and there are already several out-of-the-box applications that are written for OroPlatform. These include Akeneo Product Information Management (PIM) Tool, Diamante Desk Enterprise Help Desk, TimeLap time tracking software, Marello Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), as well as OroCommerce, which is due Q4 2016.

OroPlatform is easy to learn for PHP developers, as it is based on the popular Symfony 2 framework and runs on the LAMP stack.

OroPlatform is completely free to download and use. OroCRM is available either stand-alone or as an extensible hosted solution – please call us for pricing.

If you’d like to talk about how Jamersan can help your organization get started with OroCRM, OroCommerce, or other applications on the OroPlatform, please contact us.

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TJ Gamble


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Dave Christy

Director, Delivery